Uppföljning av provväg E6 med polymermodifierade bundna lager : Uddevalla
Long-term pavement performance road test E6 with polymer modified bitumen : Uddevalla
The test road Geddeknippel–Kalsås was built in 2003–2006 as a part of the E6 motorway north of Uddevalla in both south and north directions. Test sections were constructed with polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) consisting of several variants of SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) and EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate). The test sections have been planned by the Swedish Transport Administration in collaboration with industry. The purpose is to clarify the benefit of using the PMB in asphalt mixtures in asphalt concrete layers of flexible pavements. Long-term-pavement-performance was carried out through laboratory tests of samples and follow-up measurements. Evaluation of the pavement’s sections and prognoses of deterioration development at the test sections has been carried out with various models and test methods. The results showed that the asphalt concretes with and without PMB aged over time, however, to varying degrees. Hardening of asphalt concrete due to aging affects the development of pavement conditions and this must be considered for correct assessment of degradation of the sections. It was found that the PMBs used in this work can significantly affect the function of asphalt concretes. The choice of a PMB must be planned considering the desired functional characteristics and the asphalt concrete layer position in a road structure. Different PMB variants may be needed for different purposes. For example, different PMBs may be needed against rutting alternative fatigue cracking and sometimes the conventional asphalt concrete may be most optimal considering pavement life and from a socioeconomic aspect. Rutting model PEDRO has been found to be a practical tool for clarifying the impact of the most important parameters on rut growth in bitumen-bound layers. It describes the proportion of rut depth from each asphalt layer and in respect of the layer’s functional properties and position in the road structure for an optimal choice of asphalt materials. The Swedish Transport Administration's investment in counting traffic volume through WIM (Weight-in-motion) measurements is superior to the current method based on estimation of the traffic volume from AADT (Average Annual daily traffic) in prediction of in-situ life. However, so far there are very limited WIM measurements.
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- Said, Safwat
- Carlsson, Håkan
- Ahmed, Abubeker
- Publication Date: 2021
- Swedish
Media Info
- Pagination: 152p
- VTI Rapport
- Issue Number: 1096
- Publisher: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- ISSN: 0347-6030
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aging (Materials); Axle load force; Base course (Pavements); Bitumen; Bituminous mixtures; Core samples; Cracking; Creep; Durability; Experimental roads; Fatigue (Mechanics); Flexible pavements; Laboratories; Polymer asphalt; Rutting; Shear strength; Stiffness; Tests; Wearing course (Pavements)
- ITRD Terms: 5292: Ageing; 3067: Axle load; 2990: Basecourse; 4963: Bitumen; 4967: Bituminous mixture; 5700: Core (boring); 5211: Cracking; 4732: Creep (mater); 2778: Experimental road; 5579: Fatigue (mater); 2944: Flexible pavement; 6237: Laboratory (not an organization); 5910: Performance; 4952: Polymer modified bitumen; 2961: Roadbase; 3081: Rut; 3081: Rutting (wheel); 5531: Shear; 5931: Stiffness; 6255: Test; 2980: Wearing course
- Subject Areas: I22: Design of Pavements, Railways and Guideways; I23: Properties of Road Surfaces;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01844859
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- Files: ITRD, VTI
- Created Date: May 6 2022 5:07PM