Modal shift for an environmental lift? : MOSEL slutrapport

Modal shift for an environmental lift? : MOSEL final report

The project Modal shift project for an environmental lift? (MOSEL) has focused on the political ambition of shifting freight transports from road to rail and sea, the modal shift’s role in relation to the reduction of the direct emissions to air, and if so how the modal shift could be realized to a greater degree. Further questions were the extent to which modal shift policy instruments contribute to the achievement of the Swedish environmental quality objectives Limited climate impact, Fresh air, No eutrophication and Only natural acidification and, if these policies have a limited impact, how can they be changed / supplemented to increase the freight transport sector’s contribution to reaching the environmental objectives. The project has focused on the modal shift goals at the EU and national level. The contribution of the modal shift to achieving the Swedish climate goals has been modeled and studied using the national freight transport model Samgods, based on the Swedish Transport Administration’s latest forecast for 2040. The environmental quality objectives Fresh air, No eutrophication and Only natural acidification are discussed in general. The project results can be used both in Sweden, other countries and internationally. The main recipients of the results are politicians and public servants who work with the design and follow up of policy instruments, especially in the freight transport sector and aim to improve the climate and the environment.


  • Swedish

Media Info

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01844801
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
  • ISBN: 9789162070038
  • Files: ITRD, VTI
  • Created Date: May 6 2022 5:06PM