An Intelligent Charging Strategy of Lithium Battery Based on Temperature Change

In order to solve the problems of high temperature, large temperature change, and even thermal runaway in the fast charging of electric vehicle lithium battery, an intelligent charging strategy of electric vehicle lithium battery is proposed. According to the charging characteristics of the lithium battery, an intelligent charging strategy based on the reflex fast charging strategy is proposed. The pulse discharge experiment of the 18650 lithium battery was carried out to determine the battery parameters, and the electric thermal coupling model was modeled in Simulink for simulation. The simulation results show that the intelligent charging strategy can significantly reduce the charging temperature rise, reduce the temperature change, and increase the charging time slightly. Besides, the physical experiment of the intelligent charging strategy shows that the battery temperature change of the intelligent charging strategy meets the simulation expectation in 0~2200s, which proves that the charging strategy is effective and feasible.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01845444
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: SAE International
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 2022-01-7013
  • Files: TRIS, SAE
  • Created Date: May 17 2022 10:47AM