Comprehensive Electric Motor Cooling Modeling

A comprehensive 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with conjugate heat transfer (CHT) tool was developed in-house for a Tesla Model 3 electric motor. To accurately predict the power loss (heat generation) inside the electric motor, the electromagnetic process was solved to obtain the spatial-dependent power loss in the rotor, stator, and windings. CFD was utilized for simulating the coolant oil flow using the multiphase Volume of Fluid (VOF) approach and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was used for simulating the thermal process within the solid domains. These three separate analysis modules (electromagnetic, fluid flow and thermal solid) were coupled strongly to enable two-way interactions. Thermal results obtained from the final converged simulations were compared to the test data obtained from the thermocouple measurements for the two most representative operating points of this e-motor and showed reasonable predictions with similar trend as observed in the test. The overall variations were under 2 °C at all thermocouple locations which was within the margin of error of a standard K-type thermocouple.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01843131
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: SAE International
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 2022-01-0724
  • Files: TRIS, SAE
  • Created Date: Apr 25 2022 10:05AM