Road traffic accidents in Italy during COVID-19

To assess changes in the number and severity of road traffic accidents in Italy in 2020, in particular after the beginning of COVID-19 and during the lockdown, as compared with 2019, with monthly details and geographical variations within the country. Official monthly data on road traffic accidents recorded by the Police in Italy in 2020 were compared with those in 2019. The comparison regarded number of accidents, percent change, non-fatal injuries, deaths, injury index (injuries/accidents ×100) and fatality index (deaths/accidents ×100). Monthly data were graphically presented separately for each of the 21 Italian Regions and autonomous Provinces. A steep generalized decrease in the number of road traffic accidents was observed in March and April 2020 (Italian lockdown) as compared with the corresponding months of 2019 (more than 70% change), with a smaller change in the number of deaths, more variable among regions. Smaller decreases were observed in the following part of 2020. In Italy, lockdown and limitation of mobility due to COVID-19 determined a strong decrease in the number of road traffic accidents and their health consequences. Inter-regional variability in the decrease of deaths might be associated with the severity of the SARS-CoV-2 local outbreak, although specific causes need to be investigated. These data are useful to inform traffic and public health policy makers.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01846249
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 24 2022 10:05AM