Evaluation of Elskedeby and an urban consolidation centre in Oslo

In the pilot project Elskedeby, Ragn-Sells and Posten have replaced diesel vehicles with smaller electric vehicles in city distribution in Oslo. The result is a 94 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Logistics efficiency was lower than expected, but can be improved through more shared customers, better integration of smaller vehicles in the logistics system and increased freight volume. Driving with Paxsters and Lindetrucks in pedestrian streets has resulted in many interactions, but no conflicts or accidents. This indicates that these types of vehicles are safe and interact well with vulnerable road users. If an Urban Consolidation Centre (UCC) was established for goods deliveries to the pedestrian street in Torggata, the number of vehicles could be reduced by 80 percent and space occupied by freight vehicles by 45 percent, given certain conditions. Results from the evaluation of both Elskedeby and an UCC indicate it will be appropriate with regulations giving UCC vehicles exclusive access to pedestrian streets part of the day, combined with stricter enforcement of access and speed restrictions. This could increase traffic safety and reduce illegal driving, the number of vehicles in pedestrian streets.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01843632
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9788248019138
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 25 2022 10:07AM