Application of data-mining techniques to predict and rank maritime non-conformities in tanker shipping companies using accident inspection reports

The application of data mining techniques is an extended practice in numerous domains; however, within the context of maritime inspections, the aforementioned methods are rarely applied. Thus, the application of data-mining techniques for the prediction and ranking of non-conformities identified during vessel inspections could be of significant managerial contribution to the safety of shipping companies, as non-conformities could potentially lead to real accidents if not addressed adequately. Hence, specific data mining methods are investigated and applied in this paper to predict and rank non-conformities on oil tankers using a database recorded by tanker shipping companies in Turkey from 2006 to 2019. The results of this study reveal that specific non-conformities, for instance, inadequate ice operations or inadequate general appearance and condition of hull, superstructure and external weather decks, are not company-based problems, rather they are industry wide issues for all tanker shipping companies.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01847168
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 25 2022 9:40AM