Comprehensive Evaluation of Illinois Flexibility Index and Disc-Shaped Compact Tension Tests as Asphalt Mixture Durability Indices and Performance Acceptance Criteria: Ontario Experience

Illinois Flexibility Index Test (I-FIT) and Disc-Shaped Compact Tension (DC(T)) test have shown promise to characterize the intermediate and low temperature cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures, respectively. In this research five plant-produced mixtures were subjected to two laboratory long-term aging protocols and tested with DC(T) and I-FIT. The statistical analysis of the results showed that both aging methods have comparable Flexibility Index values DC(T) test results showed that asphalt mixtures containing hard PGAC were more sensitive to long-term aging. The I-FIT test was also conducted at three temperatures to investigate the sensitivity of I-FIT parameters to testing temperature variations. The statistical analysis of the results showed that asphalt mixtures containing hard PGAC were more sensitive to the drop of testing temperature. In addition, I-FIT test was conducted at various intermediate temperatures to investigate the effect of intermediate temperatures on I-FIT parameters. Finally, the DC(T) test was conducted at three testing temperatures to investigate the effect of temperature sensitivity on DC(T) results, which showed that a reduction in testing temperature caused the fracture energy values to decrease.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Pagination: pp. 227-252.
  • Monograph Title: Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association (CTAA): Cyberspace

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01839204
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transportation Association of Canada
  • Files: ITRD, TAC
  • Created Date: Mar 22 2022 2:50PM