Soil Plug Response and Load-Settlement Behavior of Open-Ended Model Piles in Sandy Soil

Open-ended pipe piles are often used for both land and offshore structure foundation because of their relatively low-driving resistance. During driving, soil enters into the open-ended displacement piles, which cause soil plugging. This paper investigates the plugging effect of open-ended piles jacked into sand. A series of tests were conducted in the laboratory on small scale model pipe piles installed in sand with different soil conditions. The effect of pile diameter and degree of saturation on plugging behavior was evaluated. The laboratory test results show that plug length generally increases as pile diameter increases. Furthermore, the plug length decreases with the increase in the value of matric suction. The tests were also conducted with three different types of sands: coarse, medium, and fine sand. The plug length ratio (PLR) was found higher in coarse sand and lower in fine sand. The jacking force for pile driving was evaluated from the model tests, which significantly depends on the plugged length as well as soil properties. The load settlement curve for the piles indicated that the ultimate load-carrying capacity for pipe piles under dry conditions is greater than saturated conditions.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Web
  • Pagination: pp 207-217
  • Monograph Title: Geo-Congress 2022: Deep Foundations, Earth Retention, and Underground Construction

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01846531
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780784484029
  • Files: TRIS, ASCE
  • Created Date: May 24 2022 10:08AM