Data for UTC Region II Year 2 Ranade-Okumus Final Report [supporting dataset]

The seismic vulnerability assessment methods currently used by state DOTs typically rely on as-built conditions of bridges. However, due to environmental deterioration, the structural performance can degrade over time. This research demonstrates the application of a combined durability-fragility assessment framework, developed by the authors, for a group of bridges in the states of New York and Washington. Corrosion of steel reinforcement is the main deterioration mechanism considered for durability evaluation. The computational framework demonstrated in this research consists of three parts: corrosion modeling, seismic fragility analysis, and risk analysis. The results show that all bridges become more vulnerable to seismicity due to corrosion deterioration. For a group of bridges, the order of vulnerability can change over time due to corrosion which affects the fragility each bridge differently depending on its layout, geometry, reinforcement detail, cover thicknesses, axial load ratio, salt exposure, etc. These results can be used to update the vulnerability scores of bridges and prioritize maintenance activities.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Dataset
  • Dataset: Version: 1.0 Integrity Hash: UNF:6:+VgAjNd7TTIqu82m1S+LkQ== [fileUNF]
  • Dataset publisher:

    Harvard Dataverse


Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01838693
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Contract Numbers: 69A3551847102
  • Created Date: Mar 16 2022 10:19AM