Improving static speed limit data provision to connected and automated vehicles
This case study complements the Guidance for Data Provision to Connected and Automated Vehicles series of reports, Modules 1 to 6. It applies the Static Speed Limit Data Provision Framework defined in the Module 4 report, Guidance for Static Speed Limit Data Provision to Connected and Automated Vehicles. The case study outlines a hypothetical agency’s current static speed limit data provision, its data provision target state, and the improvements needed by the agency to achieve the target state. In this case study, support is provided for the agency to attain Day 1 capability (vehicle awareness) for static speed limit data provision to connected and automated vehicles. The study identifies the business and information system gaps and requirements, the potential roadmap and the implementation approach. It also discusses data management and governance requirements, and other wider-spanning issues the agency may need to consider to improve its data provision capabilities. Agencies can use this case study as an example of how to apply the Guidance for Data Provision to CAVs Module 1 to 6 reports.
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Supplemental Notes:
- Austroads Project FDI6216 Road Authority Data for Connected and Automated Vehicles (RADCAV) module 7 Also available as a combined file of all 8 parts of the report
Corporate Authors:
Sydney, New South Wales -
- Yee, D
- Yee, S
- Publication Date: 2021-12
Media Info
- Pagination: 41p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Advanced driver information systems; Advanced driver information systems; Case studies; Connected vehicles; Data analysis; Data collection; Route guidance; Speed control; Speed limits; System architecture; Transportation departments; Vehicle to infrastructure communications; Warning signals
- Geographic Terms: Australia
- ATRI Terms: Advanced driver information systems (ADIS); Case study; Data analysis; Road authority; Route guidance; Speed control; Speed limit; System architecture; Vehicle to roadside communications; Warning
- ITRD Terms: 6471: Analysis (math); 8531: Case study; 8763: Driver information; 253: Transport authority; 9113: Warning
- Subject Areas: Operations and Traffic Management; I73: Traffic Control;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01835493
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB Group Limited
- ISBN: 9781922700100
- Report/Paper Numbers: AP-R662G-21
- Files: ITRD, ATRI
- Created Date: Feb 7 2022 2:23PM