Study on Providing Public Transport in Cross-Border Regions Mapping of Existing Services and Legal Obstacles: Inventory of Administrative and Legal Obstacles to Cross-Border Public Transport
The study “Providing public transport services in cross-border regions – mapping of existing services and legal obstacles” includes a collection of obstacles to cross-border public transport service provision. In total 57 obstacles were identified. These were summarised in an ‘Inventory of administrative and legal obstacles to cross-border public transport’. Obstacles result from border related particularities of cross-border public transport compared to domestic public transport. With a focus on legal and administrative obstacles of CBPT at EU Member State and EEA borders, they have been identified through document analysis and a survey. This document presents the inventory of obstacles in form of obstacle ‘fiches’. The fiches facilitate reading of the obstacles one-by-one. The inventory is also made available as an excel file, which allows to filter for modes, types of obstacles etc. and to compare obstacles along different analytical categories. The content of the fiches and the inventory is the same. Information on legal and administrative obstacles is presented along nine main categories (some of which are further differentiated in standardised sub-categories as described in the box below): 1. Type of obstacle and its relation to specific legal matters or administrative practices 2. Geographical extent and border-specific location of the obstacle 3. Mode and type of CBPT affected by the obstacle 4. Problems for CBPT set-up and ongoing CBPT operation 5. Observed negative direct or secondary effects of the obstacle 6. Solutions for overcoming or alleviating negative effects of the obstacle 7. Key stakeholders (suitable to initiate a solution) 8. Similar obstacle cases (wider relevance) and relation to other elements of the CBPT study 9. Sources. The level of detail differs per obstacle depending on the issues at stake or the available information. Information obtained via an online survey among key players in Europe’s border regions could not always be verified. Therefore, these obstacles have an “S” in the number and information on sources (part 9 of each fiche) refers to survey responses in an anonymous way. In general numbering corresponds with the number of obstacles in the inventory facilitating quick identification of the obstacles between this document and the excel file. The numbering of the obstacles is non-hierarchical but results from the data collection and document review process. About 60% of the obstacles refer to administrative issues. About 20% of obstacles concern either EU or national legal frameworks. Finally, another 20% of CBPT obstacles have other roots. These may be a combination of different difficulties or result from other restrictions such as geographical factors or a lack of infrastructure.
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Supplemental Notes:
- © European Union, 2022. Publication date on the EU website is 2022-01-07.
Corporate Authors:
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (European Commission)
,Spatial Foresight
,TCP International
, - Publication Date: 2021-12
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Pagination: 151p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Administrative procedures; Border regions; International relations; Legal factors; Public transit; Regulations
- Identifier Terms: European Union
- Geographic Terms: European Union countries
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Law; Planning and Forecasting; Public Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01834821
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 9789276465492
- Contract Numbers: 2019CE160AT093
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jan 28 2022 9:16AM