Att sänka cyklisters hastighet på cykelbanor : acceptans, konsekvenser och förutsättningar

To reduce cyclists’ speed on bicycle paths : acceptance, consequences and preconditions

The aim of this project was to increase the knowledge of how speed-reducing measures on cycle paths can be used and what effects they might have. Literature reviews and interviews were conducted to gather current knowledge. field studies were performed, including speed measurements, to study the possible effect of a signposted speed limit to 20 km/h and roadside interviews to investigate cyclists' acceptance of different types of speed reducing measures on cycle paths. It was found that the signposted speed limit did not result in a speed reduction, partly because most bicycles lack speedometers. The interviews showed that cyclists are skeptical of speed-reducing measures because they often pose a safety risk. In this context, it is important to distinguish between space-mean-speed and time-mean-speed. The average time-mean-speed of cyclists is usually around 20 km/h with few cycling faster than 30 km/h. The space-mean-speed, which includes stops and waiting times, is usually lower. To achieve the transport policy goals of good accessibility and increased cycling, cyclists should be offered a high space-mean-speed. Examples of situations where it may be justified to reduce the time-mean-speed of cyclists are at locations with poor visibility, in connection with road works, on cycle paths passing schools or at pedestrian crossings. firm objects, speed-bumps or sharp curves in the cycle path should not be used as speed-reducing measures, since they contribute to higher accident and injury risk. In Swedish traffic regulations, the speed of cyclists is already regulated by rules that are general to all vehicles and roads. Signposting a lower speed limit than 30 km/h is not possible according to current regulations, but lower speed can be recommended using instructions signs. Knowledge of road safety effects of cyclists' speed is limited. Previous research indicates, in some cases, that "high speed" may have contributed to bicycle accidents that occurred, however without defining the actual speed, while other studies could not find any relationship.


  • Swedish

Media Info

  • Pagination: 71p
  • Serial:
    • VTI Rapport
    • Issue Number: 1027
    • Publisher: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
    • ISSN: 0347-6030

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01781107
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
  • Files: ITRD, VTI
  • Created Date: Sep 1 2021 2:25PM