Special safety requirements are imposed for tankers transporting liquefied natural gas, methane or petroleum gases, propane, butane, and also ammonia. The requirements of the various safety codes on gas tankers are not identical. It is best to extinguish a gas fire, especially pressurized gas fires, with powders. The fire extinguishing effect of powders is due to the absorption of heat by the large surface area of the powder particles by decomposition (this effect is not produced by all powders, e.g., sodium hydrocarbonate decomposes in flame to sodium carbonate, water vapor, and carbon monoxide), and to anti-catalysis, i.e., to deceleration of the combustion reaction. The latter effect plays a decisive role. The fire system design to protect the deck of a tanker consists of small portable extinguishers plus a fixed piping system feed from a central station. A special hose and nozzle system is used with the fixed system and hose quick connect stations are placed at strategic intervals. Careful attention must be given to the selection of the proper powder to insure stability in the tropics and compatability with foam systems.
Corporate Authors:
Schroedter (C) and Company
Stubbenhuk 10
Hamburg 11, Germany -
- Wetterich, W
- Publication Date: 1971
- German
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 1971-73
- Volume: 108
- Issue Number: 20
- Publisher: Deutsche Bahn AG
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Fire extinguishing agents; Fire fighting; Fire fighting equipment; Regulations; Safety
- Subject Areas: Law; Marine Transportation; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00051770
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Fire Research Abstracts and Reviews
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Mar 18 1974 12:00AM