La investigacion aborda el impacto del Covid-19 en el transporte terrestre de carga durante 2020, en Mexico. Para la carga ferroviaria, los efectos de la baja produccion mundial y de los cierres temporales de algunas fronteras, producto de la pandemia, se sumaron al debilitamiento de la economia registrado en 2019. La mayor caida de la carga ferroviaria se registro de abril a junio y aunque el segundo semestre observo recuperacion en algunos segmentos de carga, esta no alcanzo los volumenes del ano anterior. Ni siquiera las toneladas de noviembre-diciembre de 2020, superiores a las de 2019, lograron superar los volumenes anuales. En el autotransporte, el impacto del Covid-19 provoco una caida de -14.8% en su PIB debido al descenso de la productividad y al desplome en la facturacion, que disminuyo entre -41.0 y -50.0% en la mayoria de las empresas. En la red carretera, el volumen de camiones de carga cayo, -33.4%, y en el transporte transfronterizo, la contraccion fue de -11.1%. En comparacion con la crisis financiera de 2009, la coyuntura economica provocada por la pandemia, manifiesta efectos de mayor magnitud y alcance en el autotransporte. La pandemia no ha terminado, significa que sus efectos continuaran, por lo que la recuperacion de las economias nacional y mundial sera lenta. Abstract: The research addresses the impact of Covid-19 on land freight transport during 2020, in Mexico. For rail freight, the effects of low global production and the temporary closures of some borders, because of the pandemic, added to the weakening of the economy registered in 2019. The biggest drop in rail freight recorded from April to June and although the second semester saw recovery in some freight segments, it did not reach the volumes of the previous year. Not even the tons of November-December 2020, higher than those of 2019, managed to exceed the annual volumes. In motor transport, the impact of Covid-19 caused a drop of -14.8% in its GDP due to the decrease in productivity and the collapse in turnover, which decreased between -41.0 and -50.0% in most companies. In the road network, the volume of cargo trucks fell, -33.4%, and in cross-border transport, the contraction was -11.1%. Compared to the financial crisis of 2009, the economic situation caused by the pandemic shows effects of greater magnitude and scope in motor transport. The pandemic is not over; it means that its effects will continue, so the recovery of the national and world economies will be slow.
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- Find a library where document is available. Order URL: http://worldcat.org/issn/01887297
- Publication Date: 2021
- Spanish
Media Info
- Media Type: Web
- Features: Bibliography; Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: xxviii+274p.
- Issue Number: 628
- Publisher: Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
- ISSN: 0188-7297
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Economics; Freight transportation; Highway transportation; Impact studies; Loads; Railroad transportation
- Geographic Terms: Mexico
- ITRD Terms: 5567: Carga; 255: Economia; 9112: Estudio de impacto; 8072: Mexico; 1112: Transporte de mercancias; 1173: Transporte ferroviario; 1142: Transporte por carretera
- Subject Areas: I70: TRAFICO Y TRANSPORTE;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01769493
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Instituto Mexicano del Transporte
- Files: ITRD
- Created Date: Apr 15 2021 4:35PM