Nature of interaction of ice and structures; Survey of physico-mechanical properties of river ice; Pressure of ice on structural abutments (supports); Pressure of ice on structures of considerable extent, and other cases; Natural methods of determining ice pressure on structural supports; Experience gained in determining actual pressure of ice on structures by use of kinematic method; Passage of ice and size of ice-admitting openings; Findings and conclusions.
Supplemental Notes:
- Draft translation of monograph Vozdeistvie Lda na Inzhernernye Sooruzheniya, n.p., 1962, 202p.
Corporate Authors:
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
72 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH United States 03755-1290 -
- Korzhavin, K N
- Publication Date: 1971
Media Info
- Pagination: 321 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Force; Ice; Icebreaking; Loads; Physical properties; River ice; Rivers
- Uncontrolled Terms: Ice properties
- Old TRIS Terms: Ice forces on structures; Ice loads
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00019154
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 29 1973 12:00AM