The report contains case summaries of recent in-depth reports submitted by NHTSA sponsored Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Teams in a continuing series of publications. These case reports are individual, clinical studies of accidents generally involving vehicles of the last three model years of fatal, injury producing, or property damage severity (severe enough so that at least one vehicle must be towed from the scene). The Teams investigate each accident in-depth concerning themselves with each element of the collision (human, vehicle, environment) as it interacts with each phase of the collision (pre-crash, crash, post-crash). Each of the summaries contained in this report consists of identification information, basic information on the highway and vehicles involved, a description of the drivers and occupants involved (with their injuries), a phase-by-phase description of the sequence of events of the collision, and a list of the causal factors, conclusions and recommendations which emanate for the reports. Finally, as an aid, a diagram of each collision is represented as the last page of each case summary. Portions of this document are not fully legible.

Media Info

  • Pagination: 307 p.

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00057391
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Report/Paper Numbers: DOT-HS-601 762
  • Files: NTIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Aug 28 1974 12:00AM