Stress corrosion has in a way been regarded largely as a disease of the alloy, while fatigue has become a design consideration. The latter applies also to fracture toughness, the capacity of the alloy to resist failure in the presence of a crack. Chemical compositions have been altered and heat treatments invented to raise the resistance to SCC, although special design measures - e.g. the avoidance of tensile stresses in the short transverse direction of the anisotropic microstructure - can also be very effective. In AGARD the need was recognized to inspect whether the fatigue and fracture behaviour of the aerospace structural alloys was affected to an important extent by changes in their microstructure. If so this could be exploited to improve the alloys by special processes e.g. thermomechanical treatments. Specialists were invited to inform the Structures and Materials Panel on this topic through pilot lectures. The information presented proved to be highly valuable, not only for the purpose of the Panel but for everybody interested in aerospace structural Materials

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • NATO furnished.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Advisory Group for Aeronautical Res & Dev-NATO

    64 rue de Varenne
    Paris VII,   France 
  • Publication Date: 1973-12

Media Info

  • Pagination: 95 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00057237
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
  • Report/Paper Numbers: AGARD-610
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 28 1974 12:00AM