After a brief discussion of the genesis of oscillatory waves by the pneumatic method, the required pressure condition for the genesis of long surges with constant wave heights is inquired into. Reasoning from the energy point of view, it is seen that the sum of the pressure head in the pneumatic chamber and the water elevation therein remain constant during the issuance of the wave from the generator. Experience indicates that this condition would be realized for the operation where, subsequent to the raising of water into the chamber, one allows the outside air to enter the chamber through an aperture. Because of the inertia of water, marked pressure oscillations occur in the chamber at the instant of aperture opening. These oscillations last for a short time, and soon the fall of water surface and the increase of pressure, both, are uniform. These aspects of the generator behavior are amenable to analysis. The design of a pneumatic generator for long surges may be effected solely on the basis of latter manifestations of the generator action. Procedures for the design of a pneumatic generator for long waves are outlined and are applied for the generator used in the Hilo Harbor model used to study the problems of protection against tsunamis. (Author)
- Corporate Authors: Walla Walla, WA United States
- Keulegan, G H
- Publication Date: 1966-4
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: 109 p.
- Issue Number: 2-7
Subject/Index Terms
- Old TRIS Terms: Wave generators; Wave making analysis
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00057140
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Texas A&M University, College Station
- Report/Paper Numbers: Res. Rpt.
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 16 1974 12:00AM