With a rapid increase of sea-borne petroleum, oily waste water from tankers has also increased and the pollution of the ocean by oil has spread increasingly. To cope with this problem, IMCO is now studying various countermeasures. The objective of this exposition is to review the studies on the "Load on Top System" in Japan. The success of the L.O.T. system depends on the establishment of a system of oily water separation. This development is one of the projects carried out by Japan Ship's Machinery Development Association in accordance with the request made by the Government. Mitsubishi has taken charge of its main part which was started in February 1973, at a test plant at Fubabori-Koyagi branch of Nagasaki Technical Institute. The development is scheduled to be concluded in 1974 with a reliable and practicable method not influenced by the skillfulness of the crew and human operation, which would be capable of meeting more rigorous permissible discharge level of oil and thus of keeping any area of the ocean from damage caused by oil pollution.
Supplemental Notes:
- A full translation of the article is available on application to Mitsubishi. Translation fee paid by applicant.
Corporate Authors:
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited
5-1 Marunouchi, 2-chome, Chiyoda-Ku
Tokyo 100, Japan - Publication Date: 0
- Japanese
Media Info
- Pagination: 3 p.
- Volume: 10
- Issue Number: 5
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Pollution control; Tankers; Waste disposal
- Uncontrolled Terms: Oil separators
- Old TRIS Terms: Oily ballast disposal; Tanker pollution prevention
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00057125
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 16 1974 12:00AM