Report of an Investigation of the Effect of Certain Constituent Materials of Bethany Falls Coarse Aggregate on Some Properties of Concrete

Within a band along the west boundary of Missouri, one hundred miles wide and extending from the Iowa line to some 75 miles south of Kansas City, quarries in the Bethany Falls formation are the principal sources of coarse aggregate for concrete. Some beds of the formation include shale which occurs as seams, ranging from one foot thick to very thin, and also as particles dispersed through and intimately mixed with the limestone. As a result of the different modes of occurrence of the shale the crushed product from the quarries contains shale-contaminated particles ranging from pure shale, through thinly laminated shale, to finely divided particulate shale dispersed through the stone. The field inspection forces visually classify these contaminated particles into two categories, "Deleterious" material and "Objectionable" material. The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine whether or not these contaminants are harmful to the strength and frost resistance of concrete containing Bethany Falls stone as coarse aggregate. The experimental work consisted of two phases, a laboratory phase and an outdoor exposure phase, both involving small, laboratory fabricated concrete specimens. The two phases are tied together in that, for any specific combination of experimental factors, specimens for both phases were fabricated from each batch of concrete. Eventually this should provide the data for quantitatively relating the results of accelerated laboratory freezing tests to results that occur under natural, outdoor exposure. To date there has been no evidence of deterioration of any of the specimens subjected to outdoor exposure; nor is any expected for several years. This report, therefore, is confined to the results obtained in the laboratory phase of the investigation.

  • Record URL:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Missouri State Highway Department

    Division of Materials and Research, State Highway Building
    Jefferson City, MO  United States  65101
  • Authors:
    • Willis, T F
    • Murray, L T
    • Axon, E O
    • Reagel, F V
  • Publication Date: 1956-9


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Appendices; Figures; Tables;
  • Pagination: 47p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01735908
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Investigation 53-22
  • Created Date: Apr 7 2020 4:20PM