Analysis of consumer attitudes towards autonomous, connected, and electric vehicles: A survey in China

Technical innovations in vehicles continually influence the transportation transition. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are one of the innovations. Connected and electric vehicle technologies are considered to be the development directions of AVs. This paper aims to understand consumer attitudes towards autonomous, connected, and electric vehicles (ACEVs), using data collected through a survey in China. The results indicate that respondents found the potential for environmental-friendly transport, increased accessibility of travel for non-drivers, and reduced driving fatigue as the most attractive aspects of ACEVs. Conversely, respondents were most concerned about vehicle safety, legal liability, and charging issues. It is implicated that battery service life, driving mileage, and charging are prominent barriers to the adoption of ACEVs. The perceived benefits and related infrastructure improvements show positive effects on respondents’ willingness to adopt ACEVs, while concerns and cost reduce their appeal.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01736441
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 21 2020 10:11AM