Theoretical background and application of MANSIM for ship maneuvering simulations

In this study, a new developed code, MANSIM (MANeuvering SIMulation) for ship maneuvering simulations and its theoretical background are introduced. To investigate the maneuverability of any low-speed ship with single-rudder/single-propeller (SPSR) or twin-rudder/twin-propeller (TPTR) configurations, a 3-DOF modular mathematical model or empirical approaches can be utilized in MANSIM. In addition to certain maneuvers of ships such as turning or zigzag, free maneuver can also be simulated. Input parameters required to solve the equations of motion can be estimated practically by several empirical formulas embedded in the software. Graphical user interface of the code has simple design to enable users to perform maneuvering calculations easily. In addition to results such as advance, transfer, tactical diameters etc. on the user interface, simulation results can also be analyzed graphically; thus it is possible to examine the variation of kinematic parameters during simulation. Using the code, maneuverabilities of a tanker ship (KVLCC2) and a surface combatant (DTMB5415) is investigated and computed results are compared with free running data for validation purpose. MANSIM can be advantageous for parametric studies and it is a valuable tool especially for sensitivity analysis on ship maneuvering. The software is available online at The effects of variation of hydrodynamic derivatives and rudder parameters on general maneuvering performance of ships are investigated by performing sensitivity analyses. It is found that linear moment derivatives and rudder parameters are highly effective in maneuvering motion. Another interesting outcome of this study is identification of the significance of third order coupled derivatives for DTMB5415 hull. Effects of linear derivatives on maneuvering indices are also investigated by MANSIM. Results show that there is not a linear relationship between hydrodynamic derivatives and maneuvering indices.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01734083
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 20 2020 4:26PM