A technique is presented for the economic selection of a slurry pipeline with the aid of a computer. Mathematical models for the flow of homogeneous slurries are utilized. Only the pipeline and its prime movers are considered. Slurry flow properties are first obtained from rheology and/or pipeline data measurements. A rheological model is then selected for the slurry. It must be emphasized that the accuracy of the method is affected by the accuracy of the slurry flow-property data. Approximate cost parameters may be selected from data for plain and lined pipes, centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, motors and engines. Cost data for the purchase, operation and maintenance of slurry pipelines are also included. A total cost equation for the ownership and operation of a slurry pipeline system is then established. The complexity of the equation is a function of the rheological model selected to describe the slurry. The equation is solved with the aid of a computer for several combinations of pipeline diameters and throughputs to yield minimum total annual cost for the system. A mean velocity is then computed to give the required throughput. The velocity is constrained by an upper and lower bound. A high velocity is undesirable from an energy consumption viewpoint and if pipeline wear is possible. On the other hand, the velocity must exceed the deposition velocity for a heterogeneous suspension or the critical velocity for a homogeneous suspension. There is no guarantee that the velocity developed by this method will lie within the constraints applied, nor that the constraints are even known. This is particularly true for heterogeneous slurries. An important feature of the method is the ease with which the variables can be adjusted to measure the sensitivity of the total cost to the variables.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Presented at HYDROTRANSPORT 3--Third International Conference on the Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipes, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo., May 15-17, 1974. Sponsored by BHRA Fluid Engineering. Complete set of Conference papers available for $45.00.
  • Corporate Authors:

    Colorado School of Mines

    1500 Illinois Street
    Golden, CO  United States  80401
  • Authors:
    • Link, J M
    • Lavingia, N J
    • Faddick, R R
  • Publication Date: 1974-5

Media Info

  • Pagination: 17 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00056485
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: British Hydrodynamics Research Association
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Paper K-3-1
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 15 1974 12:00AM