Long Term Performance of Utility Trench Repairs in Low Traffic Residential Areas
Trenching through existing asphalt pavements is a necessity for the installation and maintenance of critical utilities such as water and waste water services in most urban areas. The following will outline observed performance of a recent trench restoration program and provide strategies for decreasing wasted material and improving standards for trench restoration to minimize ground disturbance and material waste in urban residential areas. Drawing on historical information and collected data from pavement condition assessments performed on trenched pavement sections of different ages, the analysis looks to highlight performance characteristics from a lifecycle cost and environmental impact perspective, and relate these findings to pavement management strategies in low traffic, residential areas.
- Record URL:
Corporate Authors:
Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
401-1111 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, Ontario Canada -
- Gallant, L
- Miranda, R
- Roufail, A
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 2019
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Web
- Pagination: 1 PDF file, 889 KB, 23p.
- Monograph Title: Transportation Association of Canada and ITS Canada 2019 Joint Conference and Exhibition
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Conferences; Durability; Environmental impact analysis; Excavation; Habitat (Ecology); Pavements; Repairing; Residential areas
- Geographic Terms: Canada
- ITRD Terms: 8018: Canada; 8525: Conference; 5910: Durability; 2428: Ecobalance; 5155: Excavation (process); 2436: Impact study (environment); 2955: Pavement; 3635: Repair; 307: Residential area
- Subject Areas: Pavements; I61: Equipment and Maintenance Methods;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01730410
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
- Files: ITRD, TAC
- Created Date: Feb 4 2020 3:00PM