Past In-Situ Burning Possibilities

This study evaluated the feasibility of conducting in-situ burning (ISB) using current technology on post 1967 major oil spills over 10,000 barrels in North America and over 50,000 barrels in South America and Europe. A diverse set of 141 spills representing various combinations of parameters affecting spill responses ( e.g., spill size, oil type, weather conditions, sea temperature, and geographic location) were evaluated using four "Phase I" criteria: distance to populated area, oil weathering, logistics, and weather conditions. In Phase I, a spill that failed to meet one of the four criteria was considered an "unsuccessful" candidate for ISB. In total, 47 of the 141 spills passed the Phase I analysis. The potential effect of the plume on populated areas was the most significant of the four Phase I criteria; 59 of the 141 spills did not pass Phase I because the incident occurred near a sizable city. Spills that met all four criteria were further evaluated using a "Phase II" analysis that applied additional criteria and considered individual spill circumstances to determine if the spill should be rated a "successful," "marginal call," or "unsuccessful" ISB candidate. Fourteen spills were ultimately determined successful in the Phase II analysis, and 12 were designated marginal calls.

  • Record URL:
  • Corporate Authors:

    ICF Incorporated LLC

    9300 Lee Highway
    Fairfax, VA  United States  22031


    300 North Lee Street
    Alexandria, VA  United States  22314

    United States Coast Guard

    Research and Development Center, 1082 Shennecossett Road
    Groton, CT  United States  06340-6096

    United States Coast Guard

    Marine Safety and Environmental Protection
    Washington, DC  United States  20593-0001

    Department of Transportation

    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  United States  20590
  • Authors:
    • Yoshioka, Gary
    • Wong, Eva
    • Grossman, Beverly
    • Drake, Wendy
    • Urban, Bob
    • Hudon, Tom
  • Publication Date: 1999-1


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Edition: Final Report
  • Features: Appendices; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 346p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01717772
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: CG-D-17-99, R&DC 16/98
  • Contract Numbers: DTRS-57-93-D-00098
  • Created Date: Sep 23 2019 6:16PM