Forecasting the impact of growing shares of hybrid and electric vehicles on future emissions of carbon dioxide and air quality pollutants
This research found that ownership costs of hybrid and electric vehicles are falling compared to conventional vehicles, with costs already cheaper in the UK, USA and Japan with the current subsidies available, and findings that by 2030, subsidies could be phased out. This study uses three future fleet scenarios resulting from an extended generalized bass model. This model includes a fleet turnover unit with an age based scrappage curve to create scenarios of hybrid and electric vehicle uptake, which also includes the on-road fleet share of petrol and diesel vehicles by Euro standard. These scenarios characterize three different futures: Business as Usual, Battery Bonanza (where the current 2040 target of 100% hybrid and electric vehicle market share is met) and Diesel Persists, where battery price, fuel price and subsidy level vary depending upon market conditions. Hybrid and electric vehicles have lower operational CO2 and NOx emissions; however, most modelling studies to date are based on either single vehicle models or high-level estimates. This thesis assesses the impact the evolving fleet has on trends in tail-pipe emissions of CO2 and NOX from 2015 to 2040 over a typical UK urban road network. A coupled microscopic traffic and instantaneous emission-modelling framework that can properly account for the impact of traffic congestion was used to assess vehicle emissions over 24-hours of a typical day for the three future vehicle fleet scenarios. This thesis concludes that the adoption of hybrid and electric vehicles could reduce network level emissions of CO2 and NOx by up to 31.6% and 95% respectively by 2040, with greater effects during congested conditions.
- Record URL:
Supplemental Notes:
- PhD thesis
- Palmer, K H
- Publication Date: 2019
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 1 file
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air quality management; Direct costs; Electric vehicles; Exhaust gases; Forecasting; Hybrid vehicles; Microsimulation; Vehicles
- Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
- ATRI Terms: Electric vehicle; Emissions control; Forecast; Hybrid vehicle; Microsimulation; Vehicle costs; Vehicle emissions
- Subject Areas: Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01714730
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB Group Limited
- Files: ATRI
- Created Date: Aug 26 2019 11:22AM