Novel Methodology of Using Aerial Close Range Photogrammetry Technology for Monitoring the Pavement Construction Projects

In the recent ASCE infrastructure report card, it is reported that one out of every five miles of highway is in poor condition that indicates the enormity of rehabilitation works needed across the country. Previous studies conducted all over the world have mentioned that lagging behind the schedule is a frequent problem within the pavement construction projects. This study identified the need for devising a methodology using the available advanced technologies that offer safe, quick, and efficient construction site monitoring opportunities, thereby, reducing the construction delays. Unmanned aerial vehicles coupled with close range photogrammetry (UAV-CRP) technology has been demonstrated to estimate the volume of construction material stockpiles and pavement characteristics such as transverse and longitudinal slopes. Accurately and efficiently estimating the inventory volumetrics information, thereby identifying timely needs for procuring additional resources for construction purposes will curb some of the construction delays. Also, determination of pavement characteristics during the construction will aid in quality control checks related to construction such that pavements are constructed as per design slope requirements. Accuracy analyses of the models generated from UAV-CRP data have been comprehensively analyzed and results are compared with ground truth measurements. Results indicated an excellent match thus proving that this UAV-CRP technology can be a valuable tool for infrastructure construction works, thereby reducing the delays associated.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Web
  • Pagination: pp 121-130
  • Monograph Title: Airfield and Highway Pavements 2019: Innovation and Sustainability in Highway and Airfield Pavement Technology

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01728609
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780784482476
  • Files: TRIS, ASCE
  • Created Date: Jan 28 2020 9:46AM