Developing Pedestrian Warrants for Urban Mid-Block Crossings Under Mixed Traffic Environment
This study attempts to evaluate existing pedestrian crossing facilities at nine different locations in India by computing level of service (LOS) thresholds covering both operational and safety aspects of pedestrian crossing behaviour under mixed traffic conditions. To capture pragmatic pedestrian crossing behaviour, pedestrian data was collected through videographic survey at urban mid-block sections with varying land-use, roadway and traffic characteristics under ideal weather conditions. The extracted data sets of vehicular gap, delay and safety margin were used to develop pedestrian LOS for different roadway configurations. The warrants for the pedestrian facilities are developed with respect to LOS criteria established using k-means clustering technique, considering both pedestrian delay as well as safety margin. The warrants like zebra crossing, zebra crosswalk with pedestrian speed table, signalized mid-block and grade separator are provided based on both operational and safety characteristics observed for subject study locations. The results and methodology adopted in the present study enable practitioners and policy makers to assess LOS of crosswalk at urban mid-block operating under similar pedestrian and vehicular flow conditions and respond appropriately for its improvement.
- Chaudhari, Avinash
- Gore, Ninad
- Arkatkar, Shriniwas S
- Joshi, Gaurang
- Pulugurtha, Srinivas S
- Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting
- Location: Washington DC, United States
- Date: 2019-1-13 to 2019-1-17
- Date: 2019
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 6p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cluster analysis; Crosswalks; Land use; Midblock crossings; Pedestrian movement; Pedestrian safety; Traffic delays; Urban areas; Vehicle mix; Video; Warrants (Traffic control devices)
- Geographic Terms: India
- Subject Areas: Operations and Traffic Management; Pedestrians and Bicyclists; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01710388
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: 19-00881
- Files: TRIS, TRB, ATRI
- Created Date: Jul 3 2019 1:49PM