Statistics may be retrieved by flight number, origin airport, destination airport, aircraft type, and type of service for each carrier. Included are data on passengers and traffic enplaned and transported, the number of departures scheduled and performed, the available capacity of each aircraft by number and class of passengers and cargo payload, as well as the number of miles and time taken to complete each flight. Each retrieval will also include derived traffic data such as passenger load factors and average revenue loads. Recurring output of the system are: traffic and capacity by carriers, by segment; air cargo service (monthly and annualy); operations in markets served by wide-bodied aircraft (monthly); passenger/cargo service (monthly and semiannualy); and comparative traffic, capacity, and load factors in top-ranked markets (monthly). Available summaries: annual passanger/cargo miniprint by month and monthly passanger/cargo maxiprint. Statistics are filed by U.S. certificated route air carriers monthly. The information is developed from records of actual aircraft operations.
Supplemental Notes:
- ADP Storage: 9-track mag tapes, EBCDIC, 800 or 1600 bpi. The monthly file consists of one reel of tape, and the annual file of eight reels. International data are restricted to internal use.
Corporate Authors:
Civil Aeronautics Board
1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC United States 20428 - Publication Date: 1977
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Air; Passenger transportation
- Subject Areas: Materials; Passenger Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00320047
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transportation Systems Center
- Files: TSR
- Created Date: Oct 30 1982 12:00AM