Numerical Slope Stability Analysis of Selected Natural and Manmade Slopes

In this paper stresses and displacements have been computed for few homogeneous slopes with no foundation layer. The stresses and displacements have been computed for all these cases with different soil parameters. The computed stresses are different in all cases. As boundary condition changes the displacements and stresses are differing. Factor of Safety (F.S.) has been obtained from the stresses obtained by using nonlinear soil model satisfies Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion with nonassociated flow rule. Stresses computed in this case are within the Mohr –Coulomb failure criterion. It has been obtained by keeping the stresses outside the failure surface for a finite time and distributed the load to satisfy F (Failure function) <0 criterion for specified no. of iterations. If a sizeable no. of elements are not satisfying the F (Failure function) < 0 criterion within a specified no. of iterations, the slope is then assumed to be failed. The program which has been used to obtain these results was developed at Central Road Research Institute (CRRI). For all these slopes considered have only single layer with different soil parameters and the E-values and Poisson’s ratio are same for all the slopes. Stresses have been obtained for all the Gauss points within the slope. All these slopes have been discretised with eight nodded quadrilateral elements and each element has four Gauss points. Finally the F.S. have been computed for all the slopes in two different ways. The strength reduction technique has been used to get the overall factor of safety of the slope. In other way the F.S has been obtained for an assumed failure surface. The failure surface has been assumed by joining the points which are nothing but Gauss integration points and there the value of normal stresses and shear stresses have been obtained through finite element method (FEM), so it is known. By joining two consecutive points an arc length for the failure surface will be obtained. Finally by joining all these arc lengths a failure surface will be obtained.

  • Availability:
  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Abstract reprinted with permission from the publisher.
  • Authors:
    • Saha, Sukumar
  • Publication Date: 2019-2


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: pp 32-38
  • Serial:
    • Indian Highways
    • Volume: 47
    • Issue Number: 2
    • Publisher: Indian Roads Congress
    • ISSN: 0376-7256

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01692663
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Feb 13 2019 5:16PM