Options for Transit Terminal Access near a Steep Hill - Roadway Functional Design
A Canadian city was planning a set of future transit service modifications, including introduction of new bus routes. These would be accommodated at a future neighbourhood bus terminal, with an adjacent park and ride lot. The site was chosen in part because high volumes of traffic currently pass by the location, providing a potential travel market for the new services. West of the site, the adjacent road climbs a hill with grades over 11%. The need for a new bus terminal access near the base of the steep hill has potential operational and safety problems during winter, including downhill stopping and uphill climbing from the bus terminal. These challenges required exploration of several design options, including traffic control, modified intersection configurations, and revised alignments and profiles for the collector road. These options were evaluated with City stakeholder input, considering operational, safety, complete streets and travel time objectives. The final functional design was a combination of a modified profile for the collector road, with a traffic signal introduced at the new access point. This paper describes the design objectives, existing conditions, resulting challenges, options developed, and the considerations that led to selection of the functional design for the bus terminal site access.
- Record URL:
Corporate Authors:
, -
- Smith, B
- Giller, E
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 2018
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Web
- Pagination: 1 PDF file, 843 KB, 11p.
- Monograph Title: Edmonton 2018 - CITE Annual Meeting and Conference - Technical Compendium
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Accessibility; Bus stops; Buses; Case studies; Conferences; Design; Slopes
- Geographic Terms: Canada
- ITRD Terms: 9139: Accessibility; 1272: Bus; 8018: Canada; 8531: Case study; 8525: Conference; 9011: Design (overall design); 2831: Slope (terrain); 1084: Stop (public transport)
- Subject Areas: Design; Public Transportation; I21: Planning of Transport Infrastructure;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01685382
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)
- Files: ITRD, TAC
- Created Date: Nov 16 2018 3:32PM