Autonomous vehicle ride-sharing services: will they make cities greener, more efficient and more accessible?

This report explores the impact of this potential new mode of transport when designed in different ways. This report answers fundamental questions such as: 1. Will more people switch to autonomous vehicle ride-sharing services from existing public transport or private cars? 2. Will this new service reduce journey times? 3. Can autonomous vehicle ride-sharing address mobility gaps in our cities? 4. What kinds of services will be required? 5. Who is the target audience for such a service? 6. Will it be commercially viable? 7. What needs to happen next for this vision to become a reality? A detailed list of recommendations is included which aim to suggest how Mobility Service Providers, Vehicle Manufacturers, Local and National Government could start to plan for the introduction of autonomous vehicle ride-sharing services now. In particular, the MERGE Greenwich consortium is calling for a City Mobility Taskforce to be established, which involves leaders from government and industry. This Taskforce could set out a vision and roadmap for implementing new services and technology which directly address the issues faced by cities and citizens in the UK and around the world. Cutting edge tools, assets and knowledge have been developed during this project, which other organisations are encouraged to leverage as much as possible.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 83p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01681782
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Sep 24 2018 11:53AM