Identification of underwater vehicles using surface wave pattern

The surface waves are generated due to motion of underwater vehicles near the free surface. The characteristics of such waves depend on the fluid, vehicle and motion properties. Using the characteristics of the generated waves by underwater vehicles moving near the free surface of water, an algorithm is developed to identify overall dimensions, velocity and submergence depth of the vehicles. The pressure distribution around the body is divided into several segments of finite length. It is assumed that each segment creates its own cosine wave on the free surface. The length of the body is obtained by using these waves’ amplitudes distribution. The speed of the vehicle is obtained based on the far-field wave length. The submergence depth is estimated by using a developed non-dimensional diagram which shows the variation of non-dimensional depth as a function of non-dimensional amplitude and Froude number. The diameter of the body is calculated approximately by the near field Kelvin wake or the Bernoulli hump. The algorithm is applied to several bodies with various dimensions at different submergence depth moving at various speeds. The algorithm gives a good estimation of the desired parameters.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01678925
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 27 2018 2:05PM