Following the tests carried out by the B 63 Committee at Rosenheim in January 1962 (described in Section 3 of Interim Report No. 1), the SNCF and the DB raised with their respective detonator manufacturers the question of the development of a detonator of power equal to that of the new detonator of the DB but which would not produce a fragmentation effect endangering the staff even when located at a short distance from the actual point of explosion. The new tests carried out by the B 63 Committee at Villeneuve in February 1963 dealt with the prototypes developed by the manufacturers consulted. The results of these tests were satisfactory as both the detonator with plastic material casing submitted by the DB and the detonator with brass casing submitted by the SNCF produced an excess pressure of the same order of magnitude as that of the new DB detonator which, during the tests at Rosenheim, had been considered as being satisfactory from the point of view of explosive power. Moreover, the fragmentation produced by these two detonators was not strong enough to penetrate through a light cardboard screen arranged at 3 m from the actual point of explosion. The first task entrusted to the B 63 Committee can thus be considered as having been fulfilled and the results of the various tests can be directly used for the purpose of drafting-out the principal sections of a technical specification for the supply of new detonators.
Supplemental Notes:
- Restrictions on the use of this document are contained in the explanatory material.
Corporate Authors:
International Union of Railways
Office of Research and Experiments
Utrecht, Netherlands - Publication Date: 1963-6
Media Info
- Features: Appendices;
- Pagination: 18 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Acoustic equipment; Audible warning devices; Explosives; Safety; Tests; Warning devices; Weapons
- Identifier Terms: Deutsche Bahn; Deutsche Bundesbahn; Societe nationale des chemins de fer francais
- Uncontrolled Terms: Torpedoes
- Old TRIS Terms: Acoustic warning systems; Question b63
- Subject Areas: Railroads; Safety and Human Factors; Security and Emergencies;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00052931
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: International Union of Railways
- Report/Paper Numbers: B63/RP 2/E Intrm Rpt.
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jul 8 1994 12:00AM