Fighting Corruption: the Case of FRSC Nigeria

The Federal Road Safety Corps of Nigeria is a paramilitary agency established by the Federal Government in 1988 to operate as a Lead Agency in Safety and Traffic Management. The responsibilities of the Corps include preventing and minimizing road traffic crashes, educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public on the proper use of the highway, and providing prompt attention and care to victims of road traffic crashes. The activities of the Corps have been acclaimed both locally and internationally owing to its meritorious performances. The Corps achieved ISO Certification in (2013) which earned her the rating of being the first amongst Military and Paramilitary organizations in Africa to obtain such a Certificate. This was actually heralded by prestigious awards such as the one bestowed on the Corps by Prince Michael of Kent in 2008 and the World Bank proclamation in 2012 in Addis-Ababa that the Federal Road Safety Nigeria is the best example of Road Safety outfit in Africa. These outstanding feats did not occur in a vacuum. It is actually the careful utilization of both human and material resources despite vulnerability to corruption which is perceived as very high in the Nigerian society. It has been discussed on various forums that corruption in Nigeria is an element that has eaten deep into the system thereby jeopardizing every sector. It is therefore interesting to know how FRSC attained these outstanding achievements in such a perceived corrupted society. The Operational guidelines of the Corps made it categorically clear that collection gratification of any kind is criminal and violation shall attract appropriate sanctions. Section 22(i) of the Regulations on Maintenance of Discipline 2013 states that: “Any member of the Corps who while on patrol has any money in excess of the authorized and declared five hundred naira on his person, in the patrol vehicle or within the vicinity of patrol point, which is undeclared, shall be deemed to be an act of gross misconduct and the entire team members shall have their appointment terminated.” The Corps has set up machinery in the form of surveillance unit to arrest defaulters and subjects them to prosecution. About 900 staff of the Corps has their appointments terminated between 1996-2000, when the staff strength was only about 8000 and this has greatly impacted institutional integrity.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 8p
  • Monograph Title: Proceedings of the 25th World Road Congress - Seoul 2015: Roads and Mobility - Creating New Value from Transport

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01667950
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9782840604235
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 0052
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 1 2018 12:06PM