Impacts of autonomous vehicles (AVs) on transport systems in the (not so distant) future: a review of literature and summary of findings

Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are widely assumed to play a game-changing role in the transport industry in the near future. AVs are expected to contribute to road safety improvements, congestion mitigation and may offer greater mobility through road space and public transport system efficiency gains. Governments, road agencies, suppliers and private operators around the world are seeking to better understand potential impacts on their future transport systems so that they can be seen as being proactive through the preparation of short and long-term action plans for implementation. Although many uncertainties about this new transport mode exist, such as market penetration rates, legal issues, safety and licensing, affordability, infrastructure requirements, technological hurdles etc., it is evident from a literature review that AVs may significantly affect our daily travel behaviour and road capacity expectations. Research indicates that road capacity improvements can vary significantly based on AV penetration rates and the nature of the road environment (urban, rural or motorway). Travel patterns may also be impacted and more people may travel longer distances as the value of travel time (VTT) may decrease in response to increasing travel comfort inside AVs. These potential transport system impacts would have implications for car parking policies, rates and infrastructure requirements. Two of the most common questions on AVs are: (i) what impacts would AVs have on our mobility? (ii) And how would our cities respond to these changes in the future? Based on a comprehensive literature review, this paper explores at a strategic conceptual level, the potential impact of AVs on future transport network modelling.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 14p
  • Monograph Title: AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference, 15-18 August 2017, Melbourne

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01664014
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ITRD, ATRI
  • Created Date: Mar 22 2018 12:28PM