The tests made in low temperature cabinets, described in Interim Report No. 1, permitted to determine five protective agents which made it possible to reduce the adhesion of ice to a remarkable extent, although they were incapable of either preventing or appreciably delaying the formation of ice, with these protective agents, and an additional one, were conducted icing tests on fully assembled pantographs of three different types in the chamber for dynamic tests of the ORE test installation in the WKS at Vienna. For this purpose, simple structures were erected in the dynamic test chamber for decreasing the airflow cross-section and for mounting the pantographs. As icing tests of such a nature were not previously carried out, the tests also represented a trial of the installation regarding its suitability for conducting experiments and its measuring technique. Five of the protective agents referred to were applied to the parts of the pantographs which were to be protected against icing by the method tested in the low-temperature cabinet. Icing tests were conducted at various wind velocities, during some of which the pantographs were set in motion. The results of these tests fully confirmed the results obtained from the low-temperature cabinet tests. It was, moreover, shown that pantographs were put out of action less by the icing of the joints than by an excessive increase in weight. Successful application of a protective agent for reducing the adhesion of the ice to such an extent that lowering of the pantograph and knocking it against its rests will make the ice fall off, serves to avoid this disturbance. Another protective agent, which was sprayed on the pantograph during the icing test, made it possible to prevent the formation of ice. Heating of the pantograph tubes also served to prevent the formation of ice. The results obtained so far justify the continuation of the tests and the improvements of the test methods.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Restrictions on the use of this document are contained in the explanatory material.
  • Corporate Authors:

    International Union of Railways

    Office of Research and Experiments
    Utrecht,   Netherlands 
  • Publication Date: 1963-10

Media Info

  • Features: Appendices; Figures;
  • Pagination: 22 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00052805
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: International Union of Railways
  • Report/Paper Numbers: A59/RP 2/E Intrm Rpt.
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 8 1994 12:00AM