The danger of derailment caused by a "sharp flange" while running through the typical switch-points of the various Administrations has been dealt with in the present report. The parameters which are involved are mentioned, although their relative importance, in a quantitative sense, has still not been completely worked out. The replies received in answer to a questionnaire make it possible to state that, as a rule, there does not exist any very accurate definition of a sharp flange. The degree of danger of derailment represented by such a flange also does not seem to be defined. Although several Administrations possess check-gauges developed on the basis of the principles set forth in this report, the scope of the present study would be exceeded if we were to seek already a synthesis. However, due to the free circulation of railway stock across the frontiers, it seems necessary to establish a common criterion in order to avoid, in the future, difficulties and misunderstanding at these frontier points. These misunderstandings are troublesome from the technical aspect and are also harmful to a flexible railway operation. A possible way has been sought by modifying the shape of the tongue and thus to arrive at a solution eliminating the danger of derailment. It is impossible however to formulate final solutions at this time because such a solution will, in all probability, be linked with the actual design of the tongues and stock-rails of the points. Moreover, it seems necessary to study in greater detail the dynamic equilibrium of the forces and of the instantaneous values of the friction coefficients. Before being able to propose a modification of the points, numerous factors have to be considered. A study of all these other problems would exceed the scope of a report of enquiry.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Restrictions on the use of this document are contained in the explanatory material.
  • Corporate Authors:

    International Union of Railways

    Office of Research and Experiments
    Utrecht,   Netherlands 
  • Publication Date: 1964-6

Media Info

  • Features: Figures;
  • Pagination: 40 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00052793
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: International Union of Railways
  • Report/Paper Numbers: C70/RE /E
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 8 1994 12:00AM