This report presents findings of an Army Research Office supported study concerned with the response of high-strength steels to fast running cracks, and a separate Ship Structure Committee program dealing with unstable fractures in ship plates. Together, the results provide a new basis for measuring and characterizing the properties of structural alloys that control fast fracture and crack arrest. Measurements and calculations of unstable fracture and fracture arrest in 12.7 mm- and 25.4 mm-thick, high-strength SAE4340 steel and A517F steel plates are described. The unstable fractures which propagated at steady-state velocities in the range 185 m/s to 1180 m/s were produced in wedge-loaded DCB- (double-cantilever-beam) test specimens. The study demonstrates a new concept: the "duplex" DCB-specimen. A fully dynamic analysis of unstable crack propagation and arrest in the DCB-test piece is derived. The technique is based on the beam-on-elastic foundation model of the DCB specimen used previously but with the simple beam and foundation representations replaced by a Timoshenko beam and a generalized elastic foundation. Crack speeds, energy levels, and the crack length at arrest are calculated with this model using a finite-difference method and are compared with the measurements.
Supplemental Notes:
- Progress report on Fracture Arrest Study (SR-201), MRIS 052047-23A.
Corporate Authors:
Ship Structure Committee
National Academy of Science, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC United States 20418 -
- Hahn, G T
- Hoagland, R G
- Kanninen, M
- Rosenfield, A R
- Sejnoha, R
- Publication Date: 1973-12
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; References;
- Pagination: 113 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Beams; Cracking; Fracture properties; Stresses
- Identifier Terms: Ship Structure Committee
- Uncontrolled Terms: Crack propagation; Stress intensity factors
- Old TRIS Terms: Cantilever beams; Crack arrest
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00052139
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Ship Structure Committee
- Report/Paper Numbers: SSC-242 Prog Rpt
- Contract Numbers: N00024-72-C-5142
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Apr 26 1974 12:00AM