Internationalisation in road transport of goods: safety outcomes, risk factors and measures

Internasjonalisering i godstransport på veg: sikkerhetskonsekvenser, risikofaktorer og tiltak

The present study uses several methods to examine safety outcomes, risk factors and measures associated with increasing internationalisation in road transport of goods. A literature review indicates that foreign heavy goods vehicles (HGV) drivers generally have twice the risk of domestic drivers. Analysis of Norwegian accident data indicates that in comparison with Norwegian HGVs, foreign HGVs have three times the risk of being involved in a single vehicle accident, twice the risk for a head-on collision, and nearly twice the risk of a collision with a vehicle driving in the same direction. Foreign professional drivers in Norway also seem more likely to trigger fatal accidents than Norwegian drivers. Based on the data, the authors conclude that two risk factors in particular seem to be important: (1) experience with/competence on Norwegian roads and (2) winter driving. Norwegian roads may be challenging for foreign drivers, e.g. regions with roads of a poorer standard than those normally found on the European continent, and hilly terrain (steep gradient). Foreign HGV drivers have higher risk in the west, central and north regions of Norway, where roads are more demanding. Results also indicate that compared to foreign drivers, Norwegian HGV drivers are better equipped, have more competence for and mastery of winter driving. Norwegian drivers also have a lower perception of risk related to winter driving. The authors highlight six measures which seem to be important for transport safety of foreign actors: 1) Increase heavy vehicle inspections, 2) Education/information on winter driving and Norwegian road conditions aimed at foreign drivers, 3) Clarify (and increase) the responsibilities of transport buyers, 4) Expand the authority of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA), 5) Change the sanctioning opportunity from police reports to fines and 6) Increased cooperation between domestic authorities.


  • English
  • Norwegian

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Features: Appendices; Figures; Photos; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 214p
  • Serial:
  • Publication flags:

    Open Access (libre)

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01634798
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9788248012962
  • Contract Numbers: 3879
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: May 16 2017 9:30AM