Automated and Connected Vehicles: High Tech Hope or Hype?

The autonomous vehicle (AV) appears to be very much on the minds and screens of the motoring public, if not yet in automobile dealership showrooms or on the roadways in large numbers. A great deal of funding is being made available to develop AV technologies by government and within industries associated with such technologies. The AV is also receiving unprecedented, often uncritical--if not confused, attention in the mass media around the globe. The latest technological advance--or setback, is becoming front page material in print media and receiving prominent coverage in the broadcast media. This article will explore the history, various types and promotion of this curious invention’s trajectory as well as evaluating the claims made on its behalf and possible limitations for its adoption on a grand scale. The goal of this article is not a technological or technical evaluation of automated vehicles but rather a review of some of the claims made on its behalf by its promoters in order to put this phenomenon in a perspective informed by social science, policy formation, planning and the experience that even the best intended innovations often produce questionable results and unintended consequences.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01618085
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Nov 29 2016 5:05PM