The purpose of the Maritime Administration study was to analyze and evaluate the rail carrier/ocean carrier interchange of intermodal equipment within the Port of New York. It was broken down into several areas as follows: 1) inventory and description of rail piggyback and container terminals; 2) inventory and description of U.S. Flag ocean carrier marine terminals; 3) transfer time distance and cost tables; 4) transfer cost analysis; and 5) evaluation of alternatives to improve transfer service and reduce transfer costs. The Port of New York, a leader in intermodal transportation, presently supports eight rail piggyback and container terminals and ten U.S. Flag ocean carrier marine container terminals, as well as several foreign vessel operator terminals. The great volume of marine containers moving through the port has created rail marine transfer problems, both in terms of poor transfer service and high transfer costs. Poor service is brought about by truck delays and detention which occur at rail terminals, in transit, and at the marine terminals. Rail terminal delays appear to be minimal. Congestion enroute is a more serious delay factor, with average transit time being figured into the base rate. The major problem appears to be marine terminal delays, so serious on occasion, that base transfer costs double or even triple because of detention charges billed to the shipper or consignee by the drayman. Transfer rates between rail and marine terminal pairs were found to vary widely, depending upon the type of drayman and his method of rate formulation. There are indications that in certain instances, high rates are quoted to discourage container transfer business. The New York City commercial except zone is free from any outside regulation of rates, so many variations and individual arrangements are in effect, making it impossible to determine a fixed cost.

  • Corporate Authors:

    Communication Channels, Incorporated

    461 8th Avenue
    New York, NY  United States  10001
  • Authors:
    • Stone, N M
  • Publication Date: 1973-5

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00050574
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jan 31 1974 12:00AM