Truck platooning: driving the future of transportation

Truck Platooning is the future of transportation in which trucks drive cooperatively at less than 1 second apart made possible by automated driving technology. Transportation companies benefit from lower fuel consumption and improvements in (driver) productivity, while society benefits from fewer accidents, safer traffic and less congested roads, and lower carbon emissions. In this TNO whitepaper, we explain what platooning is, what kind of benefits it brings for which parties in the supply chain, and the roadmap towards deployment of platooning on Dutch and European roads. Developments in the underlying Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) technology have been ongoing for years, yet widescale deployment of truck platooning is a system-wide innovation challenge that requires a concerted approach of all stakeholders in society. For instance, policy-makers have to contribute supporting legislation, regulators such as the RDW need to develop safety-focussed type approval methodologies, truck manufacturers and OEM should strive for plug-and-plug compatibility of platooning systems, insurance firms are required to develop new liability coverage schemes, and shippers can urge their carriers and logistics service providers to form as many platoons as possible and change their supply chains, while other road users need to learn to accommodate the two-truck road trains. Right now the political and economic climate is positive for a broad deployment of platooning as initial legislation amendments are proposed to allow testing and experimentation on Dutch roads. For this system-wide innovation, we suggest to establish a Shared Innovation Programme, based on open innovation principles. In the programme, we can jointly work towards commercial deployment of platooning to implement a safe, reliable and efficient two-truck platooning concept by 2020.


  • English

Media Info

  • Pagination: 35p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01560460
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Apr 15 2015 9:19AM