This book discusses the theory, design principles, and operation of internal combusion marine engines. It is intended as a textbook for industrial technical schools which train engine technicians for the merchant, river, and fishing fleets. It was officially approved by the Scientific Council of the State Committee for Professional-Technical Education of the SSSR Council of Ministers as a textbook for municipal schools of technical professions. Contents: Part One: Fundamentals of the theory of internal combusion marine engines (general theory, working processes, engine dynamics, fuels, lubricants). Part Two: Design of internal combustion marine engines (frame, parts, assembiles, fuel system, lubricating and cooling systems, supercharging, starting mechanisms, principles for designing four-stroke and two-stroke diesel engines). Part Three: Testing, maintenance, and repair of internal combustion marine engines (specifications, measuring tools and instruments, maintenance, inspection and tuning).
- Kozev, A D
- Korabelnikov, A A
- Publication Date: 1967
Media Info
- Pagination: 307 p.
- Sudostroyeniye (Soviet Shipbuilding) [USSR]
- Volume: 9
- Issue Number: 10
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Design; Diesel engines; Diesel fuels; Fuel systems; Lubrication; Vehicle maintenance
- Old TRIS Terms: Diesel design; Diesel lubrication; Diesel maintenance
- Subject Areas: Design; Maintenance and Preservation; Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00014917
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Joint Publications Research Service
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: May 7 1973 12:00AM