The paper gives a detailed description of the mechanism, introducing fluctuating propeller shaft forces. The hydrodynamic phenomena, initiating these force fluctuations, are briefly discussed. An analysis is made of the dynamic behaviour of the propulsion system of a turbine-driven ship. The prediction of the full size fluctuating shaft forces based on model measurements and additional analyses, shows a reasonable agreement with the measured full size values. Investigations into the determination of the elasticity of the thrust block are necessary. ( Author )
Supplemental Notes:
- Translated from de Ingenieur (Netherlands), V78 N2 P01-012 1966
Corporate Authors:
Naval Scienfific and Technical Information Centre
Opington, England -
- Wereldsma, R
- Publication Date: 1967-2
Media Info
- Pagination: 23 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Propeller shafts; Propellers; Torque; Vibration
- Old TRIS Terms: Propeller vibration
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00001979
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Defense Documentation Center
- Report/Paper Numbers: NSTIC/10872/67
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 30 1973 12:00AM