Steel Post-and-Beam Barrier with GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Curb and Bridge Deck Connection

This paper discusses the crashworthiness of prototype steel post-and-beam barriers [Ministry of Transportation of Québec (MTQ) Type 210] whose concrete curb-to-bridge deck connection is reinforced with corrosion-resistant glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP). Experimental evidence is obtained from proof tests on five full-scale barrier and overhang subassemblies. The text matrix includes three GFRP RC and two steel RC specimens. The steel RC benchmark system is currently used as specified in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC). The objective is to verify whether (1) the resistance to out-of-plane quasi-static loads and the associated transverse deflection of the GFRP RC curb and steel barrier system are comparable to those of the steel RC counterparts; (2) the transverse strength exceeds the CHBDC equivalent static load demand; and (3) failure at the curb-deck connection is attained at safe transverse loads, and premature failure at the curb-deck connection is prevented. The GFRP and steel RC systems exhibit comparable strength, with the former undergoing greater deformations. For both systems, premature brittle failure of the curb-deck connection is prevented, and the equivalent static load requirements are satisfied. A larger capacity is attained when closed GFRP stirrup connectors are used at the curb-deck connection in lieu of C-shaped stirrups. An analytical model is used to predict the lower-bound strength of the GFRP RC curb-deck connection, and relevant design implications are discussed. It is recommended that the adoption of the proposed GFRP RC design relies on conclusive evidence from crash testing to verify safety against vehicle rollover because of the greater deformations compared with steel RC systems having the same amount of reinforcement.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01500509
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, ASCE
  • Created Date: Dec 3 2013 9:13AM