Evaluation of alternative means of fuel transportation along the Tiete River region

Avaliação de modais alternativos para o transporte de combustíveis ao longo da região do rio Tietê

Fuel transportation is a recurring theme in scientific researches. With the support of a quantitative tool put on the market by the simulation techniques by discrete event system, using ARENA software, the present research developed a model to determine the capacity to transportation ethanol by waterway in different scenarios. It was observed that the capacity is limited to 14 million cubic meters a year. Comparing the costs of transport by waterway with transport through ducts, was possible to show that ethanol transported by the waterway Tietê-Paraná presents viability of costs and the capacity to transport 5 million cubic meters a year. However, it is not possible to transport 10 million cubic meters because of a lack of capacity to accommodate the convoy.


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  • Accession Number: 01493772
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Sep 23 2013 1:40PM