Transport Policy in Function of Transport Systems Development

Prometna politika u funkciji razvoja prometnih sustava

Transport policy is an integral part of the overall economic and development policy of a state, which ensures optimal transport system structure and its effective performance by means of harmonizing prices, measures, instruments and entities of policy. It is a series of measures undertaken by different social and economic entities with the aim of achieving optimal development of a state’s transport system and the increase of its contribution to the development of society. It can also be considered a subgroup of the sector policies, i.e. policies of transport branches, such as the policy of railway transport, the policy of road transport, the policy of sea transport, and the policy of air transport. The role of transport policy is reflected in its influence on the work and development of transport, transport systems and companies. Namely, it serves to determine the goals and directions of development, system of measures for achieving the chosen goals, the terms and conditions of operation of transport undertakings, possibilities for their development and the development of transport as a branch of economy in general. In this way, the reciprocity between transport and economy is also regulated, since transport influences production, exchange, distribution and consumption, mobility of production factors, accessibility of specific areas and the distribution of activities, as well as optimal allocation of resources. Thus, it can be said that the economy influences transport almost to the same extent as transport influences the development and the economic growth.

  • Availability:
  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Abstract reprinted with permission from the publisher.
  • Authors:
    • Dedic, Ante
    • Bosnjak, Miljenko
    • Bosnjak, Ante
  • Publication Date: 2012


  • English
  • Croatian

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01488140
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 25 2013 4:43PM