Road safety audit: implementation methodology

Audit bezpecnosti pozemnich komunikaci: metodika provadeni

1st edition of road safety audit (RSA) guidelines has been published in the Czech Republic in 2006. The conditions for carrying out RSA have changed since then, mainly due to the transposition of EU Directive 2008/96/EC into Czech legislative. RSA has become obligatory for all road schemes within the TEN-T road network and the educational system for auditors has been established in the Czech Republic. All these changes raised the need for an update of the RSA guidelines. The update was prepared by CDV – Transport Research Centre (Czech Republic) in December 2012. The main principles contained in the updated guidelines are: RSA is defined as a systematic procedure that brings state of the art knowledge about road safety into the road design process. It is a formal check of road schemes and projects, carried out by an independent and educated road safety auditor. The auditor elaborates the RSA report, where the safety risks are identified and recommendations for their eliminations are introduced. RSA is mandatory for all roads within the TEN -T network and recommended for the rest of the road network. RSA is carried out in four stages: Preliminary design; Detailed design; Before the road is opened for tentative operation; Before the road is approved for standard operation. RSA can be carried out only by one auditor, but it is recommended to establish the team of auditors in most cases. The number of auditors in audit team depends on the scale and type of the audited scheme. To became the road safety auditor, a person has to have certain number of years of experience in the field of road safety (the number of years differs according the educational background of the person), has to attend the special training (40 hours course) and has to pass the exam organized by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. It is necessary to attend a refreshing course (16 hours) after 3 years after the training. It is recommended that the auditor divides the risks identified within the RSA into three categories – low, medium and high. It enables the client to prioritize the implementation of auditor’s recommendations. The client has to react on auditor’s findings by the short written response report. The client clarifies which recommendations will be accepted and in case of no acceptance the client specifies the reasons. The checklists are part of the guidelines and their usage is recommended. Road Safety Impact Assessment (RSIA) is briefly described in the guidelines.

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Transport Research Centre (CDV)

    Líšeňská 33a
    Brno,   Czech Republic  CZ-636 00
  • Authors:
    • POKORNY, P
  • Publication Date: 2012


  • English
  • Czech

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; Tables;
  • Pagination: 28 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01488263
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Centre (CDV)
  • ISBN: 978-80-86502-44-1
  • Files: ITRD
  • Created Date: Jul 29 2013 1:38PM